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How to Optimize Long-Term Strategy to Maximize Success

How to Optimize Long-Term Strategy to Maximize Success

How to Optimize Long-Term Strategy to Maximize SuccessLori Harris | Harris Whitesell Consulting LLC  | KNOW RaleighLong-term planning is sometimes seen as a waste of time or ineffective. Leading businesses and industries make use of five- to 10-year strategic plans as...

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A Woman to KNOW: Jana Martin

A Woman to KNOW: Jana Martin

From Aspiration to Actualization: Jana Martin's Entrepreneurial JourneyBy Myra StaceyIn the heart of Arizona, where the desert landscape merges with the bustling life of Phoenix, Jana Martin has created a life story with entrepreneurial spirit and dedication. Calling...

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Social Media How-Tos for Small Businesses

Social Media How-Tos for Small Businesses

Social Media How - Tos for Small BusinessesKelly Lorenzen  |  KLM Consulting, Marketing and Management  |  KNOW TampaIn today’s digital age, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, boost brand visibility, and drive...

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