ORENDA Society – Heather Jackson


The ORENDA Societyis a non-for-profit organization that delivers yoga, mindfulness, mentorship, and coaching programming for youth in our community. The word Orenda means ~ “ the force present in all people that empowers them to change their own lives and affect the world.”The Orenda Society was created to ignite and allow transformation in youth. Our team came together with a shared vision to empower, mentor, and support youth. Encouraging youth to live self-directed lives, accessing their own inner resources to effectively respond to life challenges, and still connect to their authentic self. We facilitate dialogue around self care, gratitude, friendships, body image, anxiety, self worth, and self love which allows youth tobe heard, have a voice and feel supported. We advocate for mental health, we dig deep and answer the tough questions about ourselves. We come to our yoga mats, we breathe ,we move and we surrender. Orenda continues to lead hundreds of youth through registered weekly programs, summer camps, workshops and one on one mentoring.

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