Spark Joy with Helen – Helen Youn

CategoriesCalgary, Home and Life

Helen Youn is a professional organizer specializing in the KonMari Method™. When Helen became a new mom, she was also feeling overwhelmed and disorganized. This is when she read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo and decided to make a change. After experiencing life-changing results firsthand, Helen was inspired to pursue extensive training with Marie Kondo and her team to become the first and only Certified KonMari Consultant in the Prairies and subsequently one of only a handful of KonMari Seminar Lecturers in the world. Helen offers a holistic approach to decluttering and organizing using the principles of the KonMari Method™ to guide and support people throughout this life-changing transformation. This is a process to make your ideal lifestyle a reality and learn to live mindfully and joyfully. Life truly begins after you have put your home in order.

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