It’s Official! You’re IN!

Welcome to the KNOW Membership!

Now, let’s ensure you’re ready to leap into membership! Help us get to know you better.

Complete the final two steps to get started!


#1 Complete the pre-onboard survery below to align with a local chapter for local event invites and happenings and to get your membership onboarding scheduled. It takes only a few minutes and will help us greatly!
*Form must be submitted for your membership onboard to take place. **If there is no local chapter to be affiliated with, please complete the form and mark “other – not listed”
Industry Type*
During your onboard appointment, what do you want more information about: (check all that apply)*

#2 Now, that you’ve submitted your pre-onboard survey, please book your virtual 30 minute onboarding appointment with membership success manager, Brittany Acevedo

Brittany Acevedo

Membership Success Manager

Here’s what happens next…

check your inbox for the following emails ~ a payment receipt, an official welcome email, and your login credentials & password set up.  

Your card will automatically be charged upon each renewal (monthly or annually). The membership term is for one year and renews automatically, regardless of how your payment option.

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