By Erin Daniels, The KNOW Women

As high-achieving and ambitious businesswomen, the desire to consistently achieve more is always on the forefront of our minds. From scaling and expansion to brand new business ventures, there is consistently a goal we are trying to reach. This determination is what leads us to be highly successful. Nonetheless, this willpower also often leads to the struggle to achieve work-life balance and maintain a healthy relationship with our career. Taking time for yourself and your health is vital to living a successful life as well as running a successful business.
When people think of self-care, images of manicures, facemasks, and mimosas often pop into their heads. While these activities can definitely be a part of it, true self-care is carried out on a much deeper and more consistent level. Are you staying up too late working and not allowing yourself proper sleep? Are you interacting with friends and family, or canceling plans to focus on work? Do you allow yourself time to engage in your hobbies? Answering these questions honestly can help you start evaluating where in your life you could use more balance. We often hear the excuse “I don’t have time,” but there are plenty of ways to weave daily self-care into your routine that will help you consistently be the best version of yourself.
We asked our high-achieving KNOW women different ways they work toward work-life balance. Follow along on our four-part mini-series to learn about implementing self-care through intentional morning routines, journaling and meditation, and various applications and tools.
Share your journaling or meditation process. What is the process like for someone who is looking to get started?
I journal as soon as I wake, without even leaving the bed. When you journal in that waking state, it is more on a subconscious level. Your conscious mind is not fully awake yet, so it is a perfect time to capture your true thoughts, dreams, and feelings. I journal as a brain dump, whatever comes out is what it is.
–Suzi Freeman, Suzi Freeman & Companies LLC
If you’re just starting out with journaling, get a copy of the Artist’s Way and follow that. Do your morning pages. After it becomes more of a habit, simply make sure you have access to a notebook and a pen at your desk.
-Kathleen Celmins, Kathleen Celmins
I carry my journal with me everywhere, so whenever the moment strikes, it is available to me. However, I make it a point to journal every morning when I get to work before I start my day. It helps me clear my head, so I can concentrate on the tasks at hand.
–Camilla Tulloch, Inceptus Cybersecurity
I meditate for 1 hour in the morning and afternoon and again at night for pain management. I have many ways and my go-to is my happy place meadow. I first place all hurts and concerns in a treasure box-considering each. I then add heat from the sun to my pain, enjoy the smells of fresh grass and flowers, and then play in the babbling brook. Before I leave, I reconsider each thing in the treasure box and take time to reform, accept, or leave behind each item.
–Dr. Chelsie Reed, Dr. Chelsie Reed, PhD, LPC
Meditating takes time. I started out at only 3 minutes but I have worked my way up to 15. Your mind will start thinking of all the things you need to do but just bring your focus back to your center because you will have plenty of time to get all that done. Right now this is about you and the quiet time for yourself. I journal at night before bed. I find that is better for me and I am able to stay consistent with it. Journaling has helped me because I journal what I want to accomplish and a later when I may be having a day that I feel like I have not accomplished much I go back a read and see that I have come a long way. I am making progress and it gives me the boost that I need to continue with my goals.
–Carrie Juliao, Douglas Elliman
Journaling for me is like therapy. It can be one of the most calming and releasing activities we can experience. My personal process can be creative or strategic depending on the day but I would recommend for anyone getting started to just start with a notebook and share any and all thoughts that come to mind. When we put our thoughts to paper without any expectation we can experience magical moments that allow for free thinking, new ideas, and personal growth to occur. Designating a specific time each day and blocking it out for even 5-10 minutes can give way to a powerful experience and help individuals stay committed to this new process.
–Genesis Hey Krick, Dream Ignite Build Inc.
For me, meditation comes in two parts. Intentional meditation and regenerative meditation. Intentional meditation is finding the quiet, being open to receiving, asking for guidance on something in life, and sitting quietly long enough to receive what I need. Regenerative meditation is being open to receiving and being grateful for all I have received. It’s a time to thank all the Gods and Guides for all the guidance I have received. When we are in a place of gratitude, the body, soul, and mind regenerate and there is almost an overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy. Journaling is the same. I typically have a topic I want clarity on. I set the intention or ask the question and find a quiet place to sit and write about it. If you are looking to get started, allocate time in your day and begin. Even if you only sit quietly or write for 5 minutes, if you said you would do it, show up, and do it. As you do it daily, you reprogram your mind and develop a habit. Being intentional and staying consistent is crucial.
–Jen Smith, Jen Smith Consulting