By Erin Daniels, The KNOW Women

Effective and results-driven marketing is necessary to successfully grow your business and expand your clientele. In order to market your business in a way that gets you the results you desire, you have to make sure you are asking the right questions! What is your brand mission and story? How does your company measure success? Who is your target audience? These questions along with many others will allow you to create a marketing strategy that caters to your ideal customers and business goals while telling your business story.

In addition to the foundation of your marketing strategy, there are many other aspects that come into play such as having a budget for your marketing dollars and measuring the success of your strategy. Creating and implementing an effective marketing strategy can be difficult, but fear not! There are plenty of knowledgeable marketing companies that can help lead you to success.

We asked our high-achieving KNOW women all about their marketing strategies, how to measure success, and what to look for in a marketing professional. Follow along on our four-part mini-series to get the answers you need in order to implement a successful marketing strategy for your business!

What is a marketing strategy that has worked for you?

Targeted LinkedIn message campaigns that are NOT spammy. LinkedIn is where you can find true power partners and your exact ideal clients. Don’t be afraid to use it to find them.

Megan Coghlan, Backcourt Marketing

Content repurposing increases the amount of content you produce and also saves you time. For example, each blog article you write contains enough content for multiple social media posts, can be used as a script for a short video, and can be promoted in full on social media (multiple times). As long as your content is helping others through educational and informational insights, repurposing your content is a great marketing strategy.

-Amie Thompson, Creative Allies

The best marketing strategy we use is content amplification. We can take one piece of content, whether a blog, whitepaper, webinar, checklist, etc., and make each asset a mini-marketing campaign. For a blog, for example, we leverage that for email marketing, organic social, paid media, media outreach, and website SEO. Each piece of content serves the purpose of educating your audience and demonstrating thought leadership, and content amplification helps you showcase your content to your target audience.

Elyse Flynn Meyer, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

A marketing strategy that has worked for me personally is sending “warm” e-mails. These are people that are in need of your service but don’t know where to turn. It’s using a leads list and make sure you give it your personal touch to stand out.

Christina Ingrid Maksoud, MakSchu Productions

A marketing strategy that has worked well is spending time and money on a good website. This helps build our online presence and bring new prospects in the door. It is important to have clear information and a call to action, for us that is a video explaining our firm and a link to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Alison Stine, Stine Wealth Management

Start with the mission of your company, and communicate that mission to your team, your colleagues, your clients, your neighbors, your dog, and your hairdresser. Repeat the mission until everyone knows it. The message, the market, and the mediums, will all follow.

Trish Saemann, GoBeyond SEO

Coordinating our monthly or quarterly themes that are shared on our website, directly with clients, and on social media. For example, if our theme for the month is Women’s Financial Independence, we then develop or share content that supports that theme on our website, Facebook, and LinkedIn which can include a video we have produced, an article we have written, or share a pertinent article from another source that supports that theme. All of those also provide links back to our Website where people can learn more.

Laura A Webb, Webb Investment Services | Her Two Cents Podcast

I’ve built really amazing quizzes for my business. Done right, they’ve added thousands of email subscribers to my lists and tens of thousands of dollars to my bottom line. I’ve had a lot of success with webinars as well, but they’re a lot more work than putting together a quiz.

Kathleen Celmins,

With umpteen strategies available and growing, I look for three things in a marketing professional. One, do they specialize or have clarity about the 1-3 strategies they do best? Two, do they have offline and online marketing savvy that includes “tried and true” as well as “trending” strategies? Three, and most importantly, do they align with my belief that customer experience is the most valuable marketing strategy to ever exist and always will be.

Linette Montae, Profitable Empires

Some of the qualities we look for are: Creativity, Innovative Thinking, Adaptability, Goal-Oriented, and Good People Skills

Nadia Kaminskaya, Branding Bosses

Experience & results are most valuable. You don’t want to be someone’s guinea pig. Find someone who specialized in your industry and has shown proven results.

Erin Wilder, 81 & Sunny

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