By Erin Daniels, The KNOW Women

Known as the gender wage gap, the difference in earnings between women and men has always existed, and still does today. This difference is usually calculated and compared between white men, the highest earners, and women of all races, as we see even more discrepancies in pay as we add more descriptors.
In 2022, women as a whole still earn only 82 cents for every dollar that a man earns. According to CAP, in 2018 Black women were making 62 cents to every dollar that White men earned, Hispanic or Latino women were making 54 cents, Asian women were making 90 cents, and American Indian and Alaskan Native women were making 56 cents.
Some of the causes of the gender wage gap are discrimination, years of experience, and the effects of occupational segregation, “the funneling of women and men into different types of industries and jobs based on gender norms and expectations.”
As a society, we must each actively work to eliminate the wage gap in our workspaces. Some ways we can work toward this are by unionizing workplaces, increasing pay transparency, increasing access to affordable child care, and disregarding salary history as a reference during new salary negotiations. Money Under 30 believes that while there is still much work to be done to close the gap, implementing these strategies will push us toward that goal, as well as create more favorable working environments all around.
We asked our dynamic KNOW women across North America about how they are negotiating pay and ensuring equality throughout their workplaces. Follow along on our four-part mini-series to see how these driven women are speaking up in male-dominated industries, approaching the wage gap, and continuing to progress in co-ed offices.
Who is the most influential woman in your life and why?
My business partner and co-founder of LUMO. She is my “work wife” and supports me/us in working towards our shared goals – personally and professionally. I continue to be wowed by her capacity to lead, grow and WALK THE TALK!
–Elena Arecco Bridgmon, Epic Life Coaching | LUMO
This is an interesting question because I think many would be able to come up with one succinct answer; however, mine is a bit more complicated. I pull influence and inspiration from so many women in my life that it would be hard to choose just one. I make it a point to surround myself with strong women that continue to challenge themselves and it truly goes a long way because everywhere I turn, I’m inspired. Everyone is so unique and I think of this group of women almost as the “board of directors” for my life.
–Malorie Davalos, CompensationAlly
Marty Mann was the first woman to achieve long-term sobriety in Alcohol Anonymous. She inspired thousands of women to help themselves. Her story “Women Suffer Too” is my personal favorite which led me to identify my problem and get sober.
– Clarisse Ringwald, Clarisse Color Creations, LLC
Jane Goodall – I was always a fan and when I met her in person I fell in awe all over again. She choose her passion over luxuries and relationships. Her work is incredible and speaks volumes – you don’t have to be an aggressive woman to succeed. Gentle, yet mighty!!
–Gina Marie F. Sisbarro, Marco Office Supply
My grandmother. She is 98 and the best saver I know. She is also the most giving and considerate person. She remembers all 12 of her children’s birthdays and anniversaries, all 22 grandkids birthdays & anniversaries, as well as many great-grandchildren. She is a savvy investor and has built a substantial nest egg.
-Alison Stine, Stine Wealth Management
I lost her nearly 7 years ago, but the most influential woman in my life would be my Mother; she taught me to never give up, always stand up for what you believe in, and never settle in life. I try each day to make her proud, as I aim to be the best wife, mom, friend, community volunteer and businesswoman I can; and give myself grace, as she would insist on that.
–Teresa Strunk, Strunk Insurance Group