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Written by K.A. Leigh | Brudders’ Books | + Johanna Sanchez | Local Mom Box | KNOW Tampa Bay

Women empowering women to lift each other up so we can rise together. That’s the sole mission of KNOW, a global community of high impact female leaders, and what brought two new Tampa, FL small business owners together.

Kristin and Johanna first met each other through a KNOW Zoom call this past January in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kristin, whose pen name is K.A. Leigh, had just launched her new children’s book series, Brudders’ Books. Johanna, a former elementary school teacher and mother of three, had just launched her Tampa-based kids’ subscription box service, called Local Mom Box.

While they were listening to each other speak on a Zoom call one evening, Kristin and Johanna realized they shared more than just common ground. They shared similar missions, and for similar target markets.

Kristin had created Brudders the bear and his adventure series with a mission to give kids a forever friend to lean on as they grew through various challenges in life.

Johanna created the Local Mom Box to make mom life easier, by curating kid-friendly crafts and activities that simultaneously support local businesses.
The customer base of Kristin and Johanna’s businesses couldn’t be more aligned.

Next came a private message in the Zoom chat between the two of them that said, “Hi, I think we can help each other out.”

Kristin loved how the Local Mom Box was filled with crafts and STEM activities to improve children’s sensory and motor skills in a fun and engaging way.
Johanna loved how relatable and sweet Brudders the bear was, and with the Brudders® book theme of emotional intelligence, he’d be the perfect character to introduce to her customers.

“Johanna, being a former elementary teacher for so long, knows exactly what parents and children need in these critical development years,” explains Kristin. “So she makes it easy for the parents. Different activities for all planned and prepped for the month! And our little Brudders bear fits in perfectly!”

“Local Mom Box gives children and their parents something to look forward to and it’s something that’s fun, engaging, and educational all at once,” explains Johanna.

Equally important to their own new business’ growth, is simultaneously supporting the growth of their communities as well.

Johanna’s Local Mom Box includes special deals and activities offered by local Tampa Bay businesses that she knows families will love.

Kristin intentionally took a grass-roots, ground-up approach to the launch of her Brudders® book series by starting in her own Tampa Bay neighborhood.

“Like Johanna, my goal wasn’t to chase national level recognition right from the start,” says Kristin. “That could take years. My real goal is to help kids who might be struggling right here and now, with a story that comes from my own heart. So my top priority is getting out into our local communities to give kids that forever friend in Brudders, as quickly as possible. So that’s what I do every weekend.” Kristin says with a smile.

“It’s the perfect scenario,” says Johanna, “We give moms quality content for their kids, which in turn brings these amazing local businesses the visibility that they deserve.”


K.A. Leigh
Brudders’ Books

K.A. (Kristin) Leigh is a Florida-born animal lover with a passion for helping people through her writing. Having survived some significant challenges in her life, she sees that her purpose in life is to provide love and support to others through her writing.

Johanna Sanchez
Local Mom Box

As a former elementary school teacher, turned into a stay-at-home mom, then turned into a working mom with three kids (including twins), I began to notice that our quality family time was slowly slipping away and other moms were expressing the same thing. I just felt it in my heart that I just had to do something.

Brudders’ Books Website


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