Stop Waiting Start Living
Julie Jones | The Adventures of Julie Jones LLC | KNOW Phoenix

Have you ever stopped and thought about the legacy and impact that you are leaving with your life? Does it feel as if time is going by faster and faster, passing in a blur, and you want to yell “I have so much left to do?”
Time waits for no one, and in my opinion, it is our most valuable asset. Once it is spent, we don’t get “a do over” and we have no idea how many “tomorrows” we have left. As a former police officer, I have witnessed hundreds of occasions when there was no longer a tomorrow.
As a productivity and breakthrough coach, I show you first hand how to live in the moment without regrets. Bronnie Ware, the author of The Top Five Regrets of Dying, listed as #1, “ I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself”. Everyone else becomes a priority, and too many times we put ourselves at the end of a long list. Life is filled with “I have to” instead of “I get to”
One of the most powerful movies that I saw was the Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, which reminds us of our mortality and living a life of adventure. We all have that bucket list. When was the last time you pulled it out and started to live it? It doesn’t have to be grandiose things. I have participated in exercises that ask “If you had 24 hours left on this earth, what would you do?” Consider what you would put on your list. It wouldn’t be to earn more money or to work more hours. Iam sure it would consist of watching the sunrise, spending time with loved ones, maybe asking for forgiveness or telling everyone in your life how much they mattered. You would just be in the moment, enjoying each and every moment because it was your last. It’s an exercise that you could do right now at this very moment. Being in the moment. Being truly happy. Being in love. Being you. Remember, we are human beings not human doings.
Each and every day is a gift, and we have a choice to make on how we live that gift. The most precious gift you can give someone is your time and attention. What is it that you truly want to be doing at this moment? Go ahead and take a step in the direction of your dreams that have been burning a fire in your belly for so long. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect or for the right moment or for permission. We all have doubts and fears. Stop letting them hold you back from creating a life that you desire. You are a precious gift to this world and to those in your life. The moment is now! Live life boldly, passionately and out loud! It’s time to start taking action and live your best life now!

More About Julie
As a former police officer and SWAT member, Julie knows that there is no promise of tomorrow, and coaches individuals to face the fear and take massive inspired action. Julie Jones is an Award-Winning Speaker, International Bestselling Author, a Breakthrough Coach, who has produced her own TV show Stop Waiting Start Living and a podcast, Get S#*t Done. She is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP, who is passionate about supporting overworked and overwhelmed individuals in getting off the hamster wheel, living a life without regret, and having the courage to be who they are meant to be.