Six Communication Insights for Creating Value in Times of Disruption
Lori Harris | Harris Whitesell Consulting LLC | KNOW Raleigh

Change and transition are constant and infinite. When our social norms are negatively impacted, we tend to initially react with fear and a mindset of scarcity to the situation and circumstances rather than be proactive and challenge our beliefs and thoughts to take ourselves through a cognitive and abundant process for positive and lasting results.
Rather than allowing ourselves to become intimidated and suppressed from reactive behavior and limiting beliefs, we have an opportunity to stop, pause, think, and open our hearts and minds to connect to others while evolving through change. This is a mind shift from living in isolation, frustration and anger from past experiences and anxiety and fear from future unknowns to that of being present and having courage, confidence and discipline and being accountable for our intentions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, actions and, ultimately, the outcomes and consequences.
Take a moment to reflect on the possibilities you must create value, growth and opportunity in times when life and work are disrupted with constant uncertainty and change. These six communication insights can help.
Six Communication Insights for Creating Value, Growth and Opportunity
1. Intentions and Gratitude. Begin with setting positive intentions each day and recognizing and expressing appreciation and gratitude for the value that is being added in the present time. Spend 2-5 minutes before your feet touch the floor in a quiet state, breathing deeply while setting your daily intentions. Begin and end each day with three statements of gratitude. As simple as it seems, these two mental exercises will afford your well-being and life more empowerment and clarity and reconnect you to the purposeful you.
2. Expressions and Shares. Be intentional and purposeful when using the power of verbal, written, physical and environmental language. Writing things down opens the conduit of heart-mind action and connection. Journaling, posting online in blogs and social media and even handwriting a note, letter, or email to share and express your vision, intentions or thoughts connects us through an intimate experience, whether virtual or physical. Make it thoughtful and purposeful. Use the power of video connection. Our phones, computers and online apps and tools give us a forum to link, click, dial in and connect to each other, live and in-person, at least virtually.
3. Creativity and Development. Let’s use this moment to indulge and engage in opening our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls to the gift of learning and growing. Exploration, discovery, observation, invention, listening, reading, testing—these are actions we need to give ourselves permission to do daily, to the extent we schedule ourselves and prioritize time to expend our energy in this space where continuous learning and growth affords us an expansion of wisdom and value to be shared.
4. Vulnerability, Courage, Humility and Discipline. All greatness comes from these four attributes that are naturally internal and external to all humans. Great leaders master these attributes to achieve and experience success. Not living in fear of rejection, failure and other limiting beliefs is the purest and most powerful form of vulnerability. Finding the courage, humility, and discipline to strike the match to ignite the energy that creates the momentum and builds the energy to take us into that state of abundance and value is the start. Be present with your well-being, and for the sake of others’ well-being, as able and willing. Even in times of challenge, assuming positive intentions and holding productive dialogue to work through and eradicate limitations, miscommunications and distortions establish a trusting and productive foundation for quality relationships.
5. Service and Sharing. All this would be null and void if we did not share and extend our highest and best selves to our family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, peers, teammates, organizations, and communities. Knowing your purpose and purposing the “best of” into creating value, growth and opportunity for others exponentially extend a lasting and positive experience.
6. Cognition. Let’s continue to challenge our own beliefs and thoughts first. Recognize and acknowledge our own limiting beliefs and distortions that trigger our reactiveness. Refrain from criticism, shaming and blaming. Be intentional and assume positive intent of others. Actively engage in investigation, identification, discovery, and exploration of meaning and understanding before labeling and confirming a belief or thought. Ensure the decisions you are making stand true and align to your personal values and purpose. When taking action, be responsible and accountable for your behavior and the consequences to come from your part. Retrain yourself to stop, pause, be cognitive and then move into productive action. Enjoy the process. Practice the process by sharing your experience of change and transition with others. This is cognition at its best—where we continuously learn and grow while connected to others and making a difference, day by day.
It is important to note there is no perfection in communication, and time is of the essence. The threading of these attributes affords joy and delight in our experiences. At its best, humanity is designed to be evolutionary and experiential. Be grateful for the good and learn from the challenges. Try not to dwell in the muck, where you will remain stuck and miserable.
So—why not begin the shift in mindset and mastery of aligning ourselves with our true and best selves, imperfectly and abundantly creating value, growth, and opportunity—for ourselves, others, our organizations, communities and in the world? Join the transformation and experience the abundance of connection, even in socially disruptive times.

More About Lori
Talent Management Executive providing world-class service in Organizational & Culture Effectiveness| Talent Optimization| Executive, Leadership & Team Development & Coaching | People Data Expert | Author & Thought Leader