Get to KNOW Samantha Gutstadt: LA Spotlight

Samantha Gutstadt is an Actress, Writer and Content Creator. She’s also a mom to two little boys who inspire her daily. In addition to authoring her own blog SamSoMuch, Samantha writes and creates content for Nylon Magazine,, Mom. me, , and more. She has a series she created and stars in with her partner Haely White on called Sh*t No One Told You (with over 4 million views!). Sam also just created and stars in a five-part series for FabFitFun called Sorta Awesome Mom Hacks. She has an upcoming series launching in 2019 with her partner Haely which also stars Nick Viall from the Bachelor! 

Samantha  was featured in Forbes as one of LA’s Mom Influencers to watch in 2019!  


KNOW Book + Tribe: Share a blip of your story! How did you and your partner begin writing scripts for FabFitFun, and 

Samantha: My partner Haely and I had known each other for a few years after meeting as red carpet hosts on a red carpet for a comedy film festival. We went for drinks one day to catch up about motherhood and life and we started riffing about how crazy motherhood was and we came up with an idea for a show. I had a pitch meeting the next day and threw our (very rough) idea out there at the end of the meeting. They bought it on the spot and it launched our partnership. Sh*t No One Told you put us on the map with over 6 Million views to date. After that we were able to pitch ideas to other platforms like FabFitFun, and our new column in Romper! We have repeatedly been the first scripted show for so many of our clients. We are just grateful they are willing to take a chance on us.

How has this contributed to your career and success?

Being able to be a one stop shop and mini content studio has helped us stand out in a very saturated market. We concept, write, direct, produce, cast, edit and pretty do it all from A-Z to deliver a finished show, commercial, sketch or social content. Having our collective and unique set of skills has been a huge asset for us. In my own social media work, having published work, and shows I’ve sold helps to sell my credibility as a content creator.

How do you use your channel to empower others, especially other women?

I am all about taking the real and uncomfortable stuff and normalizing it. I am about pulling back the curtain and showing the non shiny, Instagram world of it all. I think that helps to empower others, to see they are not alone. That it’s ok to be imperfect, to be REAL.

What’s one piece of advice you’d share to females trying to do the uncommon and become firsts in their field through awards, entrepreneurial journeys, etc.?

Be weird, be different, be you! It is truly what will set you apart from the pack. It’s not easy being first but then you pave the way for more out of the box thinkers. Keep going, keep your head down and stay in your own lane. Hard work and perseverance really DO pay off. Turn a no into a not right now, that’s how I built my business!


Watch her new series on FabFitFun. 

Stay in the KNOW with Samantha and her partner by engaging with them on Social Media:

Instagram | Facebook | Blog

You can find Samantha Gutstadt on page 40 of Los Angeles Volume 1!

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