written by Taya de Baat | Owner of TayLynn Business Solutions | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

 10 years ago I was in university full time, working three jobs, hustling like an MF. I felt on top of the world until it all came crashing down.

 I found myself driving home one night when a strange pain started to develop in my lower back. At first, I thought it was a cramped muscle, so I tried to stretch, wondering if I would make it home before the pain became too much to drive. It did not get better and by the time I had gotten home I was in excruciating pain. I ended up having to call my roommate from my cell phone to carry me helplessly into the house where I laid on the couch and applied ice. Slowly the pain started to subside so I decided to go to bed and see how I felt in the morning.

When I woke up the next day I felt fine, I felt great. I felt so good I wondered if I had imagined it. I went to my friend and chiropractor Jackie Perron to get checked out. At this point I still thought it was a muscle thing but the second Jackie got her hands on my back she said it wasn’t muscle or bone but felt more like swelling and encouraged me to see my GP. To this day I thank Jackie!! If it wasn’t for her encouragement and medical knowledge this could have been a very different story.

My GP tested for bladder infection, kidney infection, kidney stones, ordered a full blood workup and an ultrasound. The blood work showed a high white blood cell count and elevated CA 125 (a marker indicative of ovarian cancer). Pelvic ultrasound the doctor was concerned that he could see a mass and I would need to consult a gynecologist.

I tried not to worry but inevitably found myself crying in the waiting room. The sweetest nurse sat next to me and said, “I know how scary this is but to try not to worry until we knew exactly what it is. If its nothing worrying will be a waste of energy and if its something to be concerned about, worrying isn’t going to make it better.” To this day I continually come back to what that nurse said to me and find strength in it.

That was December 23, 2011. A day that would impact the rest of my life. Over then next 2 years I found myself in the hospital three times removing both of my ovaries and precancerous tumours, dealing with multiple infections, losing over 20lbs (dropping below 100lbs while standing 5’6”), struggling with anxiety, and facing indefinite infertility all while stepping into being a business owner.

It was a long rollercoaster ride but when it was done and the final prognosis of infertility and the loss associated with that was handed down I shed a few tears and then I felt a wave of acceptance.

It was strangely calming to know, definitively, the path that my life would take now. I’ve since watched and supported friends through miscarriages and it’s a very different feeling. My heart aches for them and their loss but also because not knowing and not being in control can be terrifying. I am grateful that I know for certain and am not left wondering.

“Although it was the hardest time of my life it was also when I evolved the most.”

I view it as an invitation to unapologetically build the life that is uniquely right for me. I spent the next couple years trying to figure out what I truly wanted my life to look like and build up the courage to begin building that life. While it ebbs and flows, shifts and pivots over time, the pillars are the same.

  • I will check in with myself daily
  • I will homeschool my kids
  • I will build a 7-figure business
  • I will work 4 days a week
  • I will travel abroad annually
  • I will build a legendary marriage

We don’t get any do overs so I’m going to the live the life that is mine and own it! This is my invitation to you to build the life that is uniquely right for you and also support others on what is uniquely right for them.

Taya lives with her husband and two children, Elena [4] and Felix [1], who were conceived by donor IVF.  She feels blessed by the life she has created and is excited to share advice and encouragement to anyone looking for support with infertility or with questions about donor IVF process. 

Taya has been part of TayLynn Business Solutions in one form or another for over 15 years. She stepped into her role as a partner in 2011 and became president when the company incorporated in 2015. Her biggest passion is helping other entrepreneurs find joy and passion in running their business. Whether that means taking some of the load off through taking over the bookkeeping, social media, or business administration, or educating the entrepreneur on how to run a more streamlined business or finding hidden efficiencies Taya is passionate about business..

Connect with Taya de Baat

● Phone 403-474-0614
● Website: taylynnbusiness.com

● Instagram
● Facebook

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