When you share your gift, you give another her wings!
“Do what is best not easiest”. These are words I read on the wall of artist Susan Morrison’s house. June 16th, 1999, the day I had the privilege of visiting her home in Eureka Springs, Arkansas – I was 15 years old. It was through this experience that I became inspired to become an artist.
I had always enjoyed writing, reading and drawing but never had it crossed my mind that being an artist could be my passion and career. I remember sitting alone in Susan’s studio that rainy day. Sitting in her studio chair and just marveling at how peaceful the environment she lived in was. How could something so awesome be her job?!?! It awoke a longing in me, to create a life& career where I could be a passionate, creative and a successful business woman. Without knowing it, at a very young age, I became a visionary.
The thing with visions is that not everyone else sees or understands your dreams the way you do. Meeting other’s expectations can push you to abandon and sacrifice what makes you, you! That is not okay! There is only one you! Live your life to the fullest, fulfill those dreams of your heart. It is okay to be different. It is okay to have quirks. It is okay to be “too” passionate (literally been called this). Because it is these people that, see the invisible and create the unseen.
In 1929, Albert Brumley was dreaming of flying away from a cotton field when he wrote “I’llFly Away”. In 1931, his wife encouraged him to send his manuscripts to a publisher, assuring him that the songs had quality. Acting on Goldie’s advice and encouragement, his first submission to a publisher was “I’ll Fly Away”. As a result, the song written during the depression was carried to the nation by radio and traveling Southern Gospel quartets. People everywhere were receiving renewed hope as they listened to “I’ll Fly Away” and other Brumley compositions.
Something so simple became so impactful because of action & faith. It matters when we support one another, and it matters when we try, and it matters when we share our gifts. Sometimes fulfilling a vision takes an unorthodox or unique approach. Think outside the box, if there is a will, there is a way. Do research, ask for advice, practice & make mistakes. But don’t give up! Remember, “Do what is best not easiest”.
My dreams, my business and my success were inspired by Susan sharing hers so many years ago. Her willingness to share her vison& gifts gave me wings to fly. Today I am a woman who soars, creates beauty & empowers others. My art gives life!
So, to all you dreamers & visionaries–Fly Away, Soar high and be who you were created to be!

More About Leah
Leah’s art emanates joy and has been exhibited in festivals, galleries & events. Leah offers commissions, murals, an online store, window painting, illustration, LIVE art painting, art workshops & retreats as well as collaborations. The expansive options to work with Leah on custom art, makes her company stand out among the rest.