Photographer Spotlight: Sandy Weatherall

Meet Sandy Weatherall! Founder of Jinsei Photographics and one of our KNOW Edmonton Photographers

When Sandy was in school, she photographed fresh bread from the local Italian bakery. The aroma, intensified by the studio lights, drew fellow students to investigate what she was shooting. They hovered, waiting for her to get the shot so they could eat. We shared bread. Grateful, hungry students and friends came together. 

 This is the power of food, she says. 

 Food is connection. The creators of food add a part of themselves and not only nourish others but add a little soul to what they make. For every bite of food we take, there is a story behind it. 

Creating food photos and videos is not a commercial pursuit; it is art. It is her passion. Making custom sets and props and using the right lighting to bring it all together allows her to tell the food and people stories for her clients. 

We asked Sandy to share FIVE FUN FACTS in order to get to KNOW her better:

1. I know a ridiculous amount of trivia about dogs and dog breeds.
2. I am obsessed with eating and photographing mushrooms. I think they are delicious and a gorgeous creation by nature.
3. When I’m not taking picture, I’m painting pictures.
4. I learned how to surf 2 years ago and have been chasing waves since.
5. I have jumped out of a plane about 650 times.

Tell us your experience as a KNOW photographer. 
Being a Know photographer has been an immensely rewarding experience. The word “yes” came out of my mouth before I really knew what it was about; especially since I specialize in shooting food mostly now. Somehow, intuitively I knew the rewards of meeting so many amazing women, that my subconscious welcomed the project and led me into this wonderful place.
When did you first get into photography?
I bought my first SLR camera at 15 years old! Long before digital photography came about. I had to shoot my entire first year at school Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 2 year program) on a completely manual 4×5 bellows camera. Imagine the first style camera with a dark cloth over the head! They still make these cameras today and they make stunning photos.
What does female empowerment mean to you?
Female empowerment means living your truth in business and in life. Finding your passion so it never feels like you are working a day in your life. Empowerment means it’s great to be strong but still be feminine. We don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. For me, empowerment means being creative and living with adventure.

To stay connected with Sandy, find her at: 

 IG @jinseiphoto 

FB Jinsei Photographics 


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