Faces of KNOW: Melissa Ternes

Melissa Ternes is a financial empowerment coach, and CEO of Master Your Money Now. She is also a 2018 + 2019 KNOW Raleigh Featuree!

Having advised millionaires and multiple six-figure earners, she’s learned that no one is immune from financial stressors! Melissa is most passionate about helping successful women get out of the all-too-common money traps of paycheck to paycheck living, juggling money while growing a business, and not having enough to invest. She shows women how to go from making money to building wealth, without the pain of deprivation and restriction.

Melissa’s lived that story herself. She’ll tell you she tried over 150 times to stay on a budget before she mastered money! Now, with her signature program, “Aligned Money Life,” Melissa has guided hundreds of women on how to completely transform their relationship with money. Her clients become money-savvy, confident, and powerful – ready to keep wealth, grow their businesses, and live the lives they’re dreaming about.

Melissa is based in Raleigh, and when she’s not out speaking, she’s seeking an adventure on the “pretty blue water” of Belize with her husband and adventure companion, Wayne.

We asked Melissa to share FIVE FUN FACTS in order to get to KNOW her better:

1. I love the “pretty blue water” of Belize
2. One of my bucket list targets is an island retreat center in Belize
3. The beautiful colors of sunsets are the fastest way to slow me down.
4. My favorite motto is “have passport will travel”
5. I am a dog lover and find “stand-in” pups when I travel.

We also asked Melissa to share her #1 Financial Tip:

There is no “one right” financial plan or path that fits everyone all the time. Decide what works for who you are, who you want to be and what is best for this stage of your life.


To connect with Melissa, make sure to check out her new book:

  • My first book became available January 31st. The Aligned Money Life Activator: The Next 84 Days Can Change Everything!

To engage with Melissa, follow her on:

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