Faces of KNOW: Meet Tami Fitzpatrick

Tami Fitzpatrick is the founder and CEO of Entropy Technology Design Inc., a Tampa-based company established to develop and market the proprietary NIMBUS™ family of severe weather detection products and technology. She is also a 2019 KNOW Tampa Featuree!
From dodging bombs in Beirut to dealing with bullies in the boardroom, it’s no surprise Tami is passionate about her company’s threat detection technology.
Featured in USA Weekly, TBBJ, and TBBW Magazine as a company to watch, Entropy’s groundbreaking VLF magnetic field smart sensors alert users of severe weather, lightening, drones, tunneling, and tornadoes. Utilizing her background in advanced technology development and product conceptualization Tami’s team is winning government contracts and commercial partners.
SWAYY Magazine said it best. “Fitzpatrick’s story is so intense, fascinating, and astonishing that you’ll wonder if you’re reading a movie script. But, the story of this entrepreneur is real and incredibly true.”
This single mom is dedicated to her three children, mentoring others, panel speaking and is the founder of Mindful Business Women.
When she’s not busy serving her community, she loves to spend time in the outdoors and with her children.
We asked Tami to share FIVE FUN FACTS in order to get to KNOW her better.
1. This small town Iowa girl lived for 15 years in Beirut. Later contracted by the State Department to work at the US Embassy.
2. In 2006 when war broke out between Israel and Lebanon, and after helping evacuate groups of the 10,000 US citizens, Tami, her (then) husband and three children took the last military helicopter out with one suitcase each and returned to Tampa permanently!
3. Tami also founded Mindful Business Women. A group established to support women and incorporating mindfulness in the workplace.
4. Tami loves to make scented candles, ride her bicycle, meditate, and journal.
5. Tami has three young adult children who she adores spending time with.
As an avid entrepreneur, in addition to being dedicated to her unique technology development company (Entropy Technology Design), Tamienjoys panel discussions, serving on advisory boards and supporting other startups. One by the name iGrew will be launching soon!
Motto: “The rewards for working through obstacles define who we are and make the success of our persistence even sweeter.”-Tami Fitzpatrick
Tami’s daughter created the word “hyperlusinating” when she was 7 years old. After playing with her dolls under her blanket she giggled, threw back the cover and burst out with “Mom, I’m hyperlucinating!” and so it began. Tami has incorporated a “hyperhappy” approach to life ever since. Her message to you? Hyperilluminate your day and don’t let anyone douse your flame!
“Women are already strong. We just need to remind ourselves of this more often. Especially when failures, challenges and obstacles bring us down. Learn to shift your mindset and tell yourself it was a meaningful lesson on your path to calm wisdom, then focus FORWARD. Once you survive setbacks and trauma of any kind, don’t look back at it with fear. It’s done. Set your sights on what You DESIRE, not what you’ve had. Lastly, when you struggle, don’t hide or seclude yourself as we often do for a number of reasons. Tell someone. Tell your tribe. If they don’t help and support you, than they’re not the right tribe for you. Start today to Hyperlove yourself.”
To connect with Tami, you can find her on social media at:
FaceBook: @tami.fitzpatrick1
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tamifitzpatrick/
Insta: @tgifitzpatrick
Web: www.tamifitzpatrick.com + https://www.nimbus4.com/entropy
You can read more about Tami’s story here. Much love! https://www.swaay.com/entrepreneurs-oppressive-marriage-became-driver-success
You can find Tami on page 32 of Tampa Vol. 2!