Faces of KNOW: Stacy Miskolczi

Stacy Miskolczi is an Edmonton Police Officer and a 2019 Edmonton Vol. 1 Book featuree.

Helping others is a driving factor in Stacy’s life. Combined with her love of a good challenge, she’s made a career out of it. She began in Veterinary Medicine before joining the Edmonton Police. Her competitive personality allows her to overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same. She’s honored to have received awards, including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and is the only female Police Officer in Canada to win an international saving award.

Entwined with her role on the Edmonton Police force, Stacy is an elite stair runner traveling internationally to race in support of causes. She’s an ambassador for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and after losing her dog to cancer, she puts forward time to work with the Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society.

Stacy Miskolczi Aspires to lead by example–work hard, play harder. Her philosophy in life is that she didn’t come this far to only have come this far.

We asked Stacy to share FIVE FUN FACTS about herself in order to get to KNOW her better:

1. I am an elite stair runner. I competitively run up tall buildings all over North America for the fastest time. Some of my greatest accomplishments have been racing up the three tallest buildings in North America: Freedom Tower on Ground Zero, Willis Tower in Chicago and the infamous Empire State Building in New York City.
2. Fitness is a huge aspect of my life and living a healthy lifestyle is extremely important to me. In 2019 I ran in 2 half marathons, run up 39 buildings all over Canada and the United States for a total of 26 751 steps, 18 334 feet and 1359 Floors ( this does not include all my training).
3. Prior to being a Police Officer I was in Veterinary Medicine. This would explain my huge love for animals especially dogs. I am extremely soft hearted and I cry watching any movie or reading any book involving animals.
4. I was the first Canadian Police officer to receive the NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers) Award of Valor for Lifesaving. I have also been very honored to receive the Queens Jubilee Medal for my work with youth.
5. I have a massive tea collection, probably more then even Davids Tea has in their store.
6. Can’t leave this one out. . . I am divorced but getting married to my soul mate in August 2020 in the mountains. Not only is he my soon to be husband but he is also my best friend. He is a huge supporter of me and together we both push ourselves to accomplish our goals.

To engage with Stacy, you can find her at her upcoming events:

I am an ambassador for the Prostate Cancer Group of Canada and I do their major stair runs all over in Canada.  As one of their major fundraisers, they hold an event in which they call the Step-Up Challenge.  In Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton and Toronto people form teams and run up the selected cities five tallest buildings twice.  Teams can either do all the buildings twice together or take turns. Because of my competitive nature and my love of a challenge, I asked the organizers if I can do the event as an individual.  They initially thought I was crazy.  So in 2018, I was the first person ever to run in all 4 cities ,and run all the buildings twice all by myself since I am competitive and like a challenge.   Since then I have done this every year and was honored when I was asked to become an ambassador.  In March, the Step up Challenge kicks off and I will once again be trying to raise money and of course run the buildings in support this great cause.

In addition, in April I have been asked to run the Nike 13.2 in Los Angeles.  This is a half marathon in support of empowering woman both in sports and in life.  I am honored to be asked to be part of such an amazing inaugural event.

To connect with Stacy, make sure to follow her on:
Instagram: @stacymic

You can find Stacy on page. 91 of KNOW Edmonton Vol. 1!

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