Faces of KNOW: Lorraine Winslow

Lorraine Winslow is the Founder and Owner of Love Within Pregnancy Massage & Womans Wellness Inc. and 2019 KNOW Edmonton Featuree.

What started as a passion, became a business. Lorraine always had a knack for making others feel good, which made the motivation of this business easy to come by. She started her own studio to be able to support people in their times of need.

Whether it’s pregnancy, motherhood, or any aspect of life, Lorraine Winslow provides a happy place for her clients. She encourages everyone to do what they feel comfortable within their treatments and is there for you through a heartfelt chat, cry, nap, or a little bit of everything.

Lorraine is born and raised in Alberta. She is proud to offer support to the women in her community and is always looking forward to what that community will bring.


We asked Lorraine to share FIVE FUN FACTS in order to get to KNOW her better.

1. When I eat chips/popcorn I always pick them out one by one and look so see which one is the best in the bowl, even though I end up eating the entire thing anyways!
2. I cannot fold laundry. Whether it is at home, or at the studio (my staff will back me up) I am the WORST at folding anything for some reason.
3. I was in the St. Albert Children’s Theater from age 10-18 performing in musicals in over 22 shows.
4. I would gladly run 10 km in -35 weather rather than +20 any day! (hence my winter running a photo with icicles on my eyes)
5. I am terrified of the movie E.T.  – always have, always will be.


To engage with Lorraine, you can follow her on:

Instagram: @lovewithinpregnancymassage

Website: www.lovewithinpregnancymassage.com


Lorraine Winslow can be found on page 71 of our 2019 KNOW Edmonton Book.

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