Get to KNOW Lindzy Plott

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears”

         -Mark Anthony, The Beautiful Truth

Lindzy Plott is a lifelong North Carolinian, with over 10 years experience in the professional cosmetic industry. She is also a KNOW Raleigh Featuree!

As the Director of Operations for Blo, the Triangle’s premier, award winning salon, Lindzy is much more than a stylist.

Whether one’s goal is to become a more well-rounded beauty professional, or to achieve a long-desired look, Lindzy’s passion is to be a faithful guide on that journey.  Her joy comes from building relationships, understanding her guests’ and teammates’ true selves, and empowering them to achieve their best.

At Blo, some of Lindzy’s many roles include recruitment and on-boarding, mentorship, education, and acting as an industry liaison, on top of being a seasoned designer with multiple certifications.

As a hairdresser, Lindzy has become a specialist in, and advocate for, the transformative power of extensions.  There are few things more incredible, inspiring, and gratifying than to completely change one’s aesthetic, and even self-esteem, in just one service.


We asked Lindzy to share FIVE FUN FACTS in order to get to KNOW her better:

  1. Love being a boy mom! All things Nerf and Dino’s in our house.
  2. I love food! I will try anything. Well, almost anything. My husband, Nathan is an amazing cook and has opened my eyes to all the wonders of taste!
  3. I aspire to travel with my boys to other countries. Cultural diversity is so important to us.
  4. I am such a kid at heart! I’m not sure who is more excited on Christmas morning…me or the boys.
  5. I love people. They simply inspire me to be my best self, to have humility at the end of every day, and create genuine long lasting relationships.


What does female empowerment mean to you?

To me, women’s empowerment starts with the individual. It means having the freedom to follow your dreams, change ones mind, and find your happiness while supporting others search for there’s. It means knowing the valuable me, so we can be the powerful we.

To connect with Lindzy, make sure to follow her on:

Instagram:@Lindzy_blo @Lindzyplott

Find Lindzy on pg. 11 of KNOW Raleigh Vol. 1!


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