Faces of KNOW: Laura Byrne

Laura Byrne is the Editorial Director and Creative of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine, as well as a 2018 KNOW Tampa Featuree.

With her creative leadership in media, Laura has been able to combine her two passions of motherhood and journalism. She and her husband purchased the established the brand two years ago and have completely redesigned the magazine and its website to share even more local stories and fun events with families in Tampa Bay.

She would never claim to be a parenting expert, which is why she loves sharing expertise from the EXPERTS whether it’s a doctor, educator, party planner, etc.

Together, they won the Charlie Award for Florida Magazine Association for Best Cover, which featured the Florida Aquarium.

She and her husband also own TampaBayDateNightGuide.com, a website dedicated to connecting couples with fun things to do in the city.

Before parenthood, Laura was an award-winning television reporter who spent her career working at TV stations across the state of Florida. She hasn’t completely stepped away from the business and continues to freelance in the Tampa Bay market.

The mother of two serves with several local organizations including The Junior League of Tampa. One of her favorite ways to give back is volunteering with her sons’ schools.

We asked Laura to share FIVE FUN FACTS about herself in order to get to KNOW her better.

1) I grew up as an Air Force brat. Both of my parents were in the Air  Force, which meant we moved every couple of years until we  finally settled in Tampa when my dad retired when I was in middle school. I truly feel that being a military child shaped who I am today, my curiosity about the world and other people—since I  had to make new friends every couple of years, getting to know  new people were kind of a must!

2) I LOVE hanging out at theme parks and other family-friendly attractions with my kids. Some people think I’m crazy because I  often go solo with my little boys, but I love it! I’m always wanting to check out local museums and parks when we visit a new city with the kids.

3) I HATE public speaking. It sounds crazy coming from someone who has spent the last 18 years in the television news business, I  know! I don’t mind live TV…that’s easy! It’s large crowds that  make me nervous.

4) I’ve had a great career as a journalist, but I still feel like I haven’t had  my big career moment. Who says we have to peek young!?!

5) Speaking of being a journalist…I was inspired to pursue journalism by  a neighbor of ours when I was in high school. He was the main anchor at our local TV station and I would often babysit for his  kids. I thought he had a fun job and figured, why not?! I’ve had  some really amazing mentors throughout my career which is why  I always try to help those who have questions or need the extra  push to go for it. If it wasn’t for the men and women who helped  guide me, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

To connect with Laura, you can find her at:

Instagram: @laurahkbyrne and @tampabayparenting

Twitter: @laurahkbyrne and @tbparenting

LinkedIn: Laura Byrne

Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine

YouTube: Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine


Laura can be found on page 92 of the 2018 KNOW Tampa Book.

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