Meet Dez Melenka, our NEW KNOW Edmonton Ambassador!

As we move closer to the new year ahead, we are thrilled to see the expansion of the KNOW Book + Tribe, as well as the celebrations of the second (and third) volume, launches being planned. With that, we are welcoming KNOW Book Featuree, Dez Melenka, as our new Edmonton AMBASSADOR for Volume Two!

From a small town in Gibbons, Alberta, Dez Melenka believed anything was possible.

“I am a Mom, wife, sister and daughter first. I am a journalist, entrepreneur, designer, community builder, storyteller, and daydreamer who can get lost in the imagination of my own thoughts,” Dez said.

After 15 years building and cultivating a career at CTV News where she accumulated five national and four international awards for storytelling, she cartwheeled into the world of entrepreneurship.

“I say cartwheel because there are days I’m hands up in the air excited and days I feel buried by the weight of responsibility,” Dez said.

She co-founded The Creative Hive with one of her best friends and talented videographer, Mike Tighe. Together, they transformed a warehouse into a community coworking space that entices the creative out everyone.

It’s a space where local businesses can come together. The atmosphere revolves around giving people a supportive place to create, plan, and succeed.

Dez is thrilled to host all types of creatives and witness as stories come into being, moments are made, and a community can thrive.

“I am learning to share my story alongside others, learning to be a business owner, and learning that asking for help is okay.” Dez said, as an important reminder to anyone.

“In this space I met the KNOW tribe and believe a connection was meant to be because any way I can help support other women is a win. I’m thrilled to be an ambassador and can’t wait to see what new adventures this takes me on,” she said.

“I love it. I love life. And I love that my family is there with me every step of the way. Now, what my “about” will look like in five years is still being developed…stay tuned.”


We asked Dez to share FIVE FUN FACTS about herself in order to get to KNOW her better:

  1. 1. I can’t have an open e-mail…so if I look they all have to be opened.
  2. 2. I can’t go to bed if the pillows are not put back the right way on the couch
  3. 3. I love dairymilk milk chocolate bars…it has to be the medium size b/c the small ones or the really big ones taste funny.
  4. 4. I can rap all of the Salt N’ Pepa songs. (and secretly think I’m awesome at it)
  5. 5. I take pictures of my daughter sleeping…just to capture that stillness and beauty.

Favorite KNOW Memory?

I’ve loved so many things about KNOW and instantly felt that this was going to help me improve my networking and business. I knew it was a community that I had to be a part of because it was constantly inspiring….but the best memory was the first time I chatted with Sarah on the phone. She is so real and instantly I felt like I had made a friend for life.


To engage with Dez, you can connect with her on: 

Instagram: @creativehiveyeg

AND, if you KNOW a remarkable women wanting to join KNOW Edmonton, send in your nominations here.

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