Get to KNOW our NEW Charlotte Team

Have you heard the news? Charlotte has a new leadership team! Allison Birkmeyer is our new
Charlotte Ambassador. Beth Reisinger is also joining the team as a contributor! Don’t worry, Arden
isn’t going anywhere. She is excited to continue to support KNOW locally through membership, and
nationally through editing our books and our upcoming quarterly lifestyle magazine.

Allison Birkmeyer – Ambassador

Empowering others drives Allison daily.  This can be seen through her Executive Leadership at a global Fortune 500 company and as the Founder of The Quiet Clot®, a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase blood clot awareness. 

Allison felt called to start The Quiet Clot® after surviving life threatening blood clots throughout both of her lungs in May 2018.  Ultimately, Doctor’s said the cardiovascular strength gained from regularly working out saved her life. 

Originally from Oregon, Allison relocated to Charlotte, NC in 2014.  She is proud to call the Queen City home and is excited to honor and celebrate Charlotte’s amazing female leaders through KNOW Tribe.

Fun Facts about Allison:

  1. In one year (2014-2015), she ran 3 marathons and 7 half marathons.
  2. She was born in OR and lived in 4 other states (CA, NJ, CT, PA) before calling Charlotte, NC home for the past 6 years.
  3. The last 4 months is the longest period of time she has been home in 10 years. 

We asked Allison what “Life and Rise” means to her:

”Lift and Rise” means empowering others, providing support and celebrating their wins without expecting anything in return.

Beth Reisinger – Contributor


Beth Ann Reisinger may be a corporate recruiting maven by day and a sparkly sorority woman by night. She is driven to bring change through serving others. Whether it’s helping her clients land their candidate or partnering across the board room table, Reisinger brings thought leadership to each and every discussion. 

Reisinger embodies the definition of Servant Leadership in the philosophical and practical application of each aspect of her life. Identifying women who will make a notable difference in the culture of the workforce is integral to her success.  Empowering young women to lift each other up is what drives Reisinger to give of her time and talent for Phi Mu.  Reisinger is blessed to work for Bank of America, an employer who supports her passion projects. To say it simply, when we can tie passion and practicality together, that is when we harness our power. 

Fun Facts about Beth:

1.She has 2 dogs, Rocky & Ellie.

2.She has a degree in sports communications and her passion is furthering youth sport.

3. She loves indoor cycling and is a Peloton addict!

We asked Beth what “Life and Rise” means to her:

“To me this means elevating all women either on a personal or professional level. We must support each other from the ground up.”

If you KNOW an amazing woman in Charlotte, nominate her here!


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