Amplify Her Voice: Kalia Gounden

KNOW Book + Tribe kicked off a brand new series called Amplify Her Voice. It is a storytelling series focused on amplifying the voices of our Black female business leaders and members. Each day we will be featuring one new KNOW member and they will be sharing their stories and advice.

Meet Kalia Gounden, Owner, Creator, and Founder of Kakes & Kanvas Inc.

Kalia was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. Growing up she struggled a lot mentally with confidence, self-esteem and figuring out where she fit in the world. Her release from this was baking and painting, so one day she decided to put her passions together and create Kakes & Kanvas Inc., a company that provides baked goods, her original paintings, and paint nights as well.


Learn more about Kalia Gounden here

It will be the best 7 minutes of your day

Takeaways from Kalia: 

1. How she got to where she is today. “Hard work, genuine networking, genuinely finding people that vibe with your soul and you your heart and being in their lives because you connect, [then] things will just bloom for you. It’s not so much thinking how we can use people, but how we can love people”
2. Know your weaknesses. “Ultimately, I truly believe that knowing your weaknesses is your strength because that allows for growth”
3. Everything happens for a reason ” Everything happens for a reason, even the not so great things. They are lessons and the beautiful things, it’s a little nudge that you are going in the right direction, you are doing the right thing, you are amazing.”

What Kalia would tell her younger self:
“Enjoy the time you have with the people you have around you and not to hold on to anything negative in your heart, just let it go. Stand your ground, if you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything so just stay strong in what your heart knows.”

Make sure to check out the Kakes & Kanvas Instagram here

Kalia Gounden is featured in KNOW Calgary Vol 1.

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