Amplify Her Voice: Afi Maita

KNOW Book + Tribe kicked off a brand new series called Amplify Her Voice. It is a storytelling series focused on amplifying the voices of our Black female business leaders and members. Each day we will be featuring one new KNOW member and they will be sharing their stories and advice.

Meet Afi Maita, Stylist and Style Blogger

Afi was born in west Africa Nigeria, raised in London,  and eventually landed in Scottsdale, Arizona after falling in love with an American man. She has been a stylist for Saks Fifth Avenue for the last 10 years. She enjoys helping her clients look and feel their best. As a style blogger for the last year, she has focused on sharing fashion and her active lifestyle as a Type 1 Diabetic.


Learn more about Afi Maita here


Takeaways from Afi:

Celebrate life and positivity.  “Be transparent, so people can know where you are at”

Check out her Instagram: @afiliketaffy

Afi is featured in KNOW Phoenix Volume 3.

Interested in MORE? Learn about our joining our KNOW Book + Tribe here.

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