A Woman to KNOW : Kelsey Vickers

Meet Kelsey Vickers, Co-Founder of Fit + Fierce

Kelsey Vickers is a woman passionate about health and wellness. She aims to live a life of purpose, sprinkled with adventure whenever possible. Kelsey is a personal trainer and group exercise instructor and co-owner of the award-winning girls wellness program, Fit+Fierce. Fit+Fierce helps girls become strong in mind and body through engaging education in mind wellness, fitness, and nutrition. The program also focuses on the importance of contribution and mentorship. Fit+Fierce is expanding so girls across North America can have access to the program. Read below to learn about Kelsey’s story and the journey behind her successful business, Fit + Fierce.

Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

I think our program was meant to be as the framework for it formed quickly one summer afternoon after a training session. My business partner and I were discussing the struggles girls were facing and saw certain gaps in the education system that we thought we could fill. We believe the key to overall wellness encompasses several components and thought that if we combined our skill sets, we could come up with a program that did just that, and help girls to become strong in mind and body. We even came up with the name that afternoon.

What was the “Aha Moment” that led to the creation of your current company?

That “Aha Moment” was that afternoon on the deck when we were literally brainstorming the program. Everything about what we were doing just felt right and came together so effortlessly. We knew we had something special.

What do you think makes your company stand out?

Fit+Fierce is unique in that it touches on all pillars of wellness; mind wellness, fitness, nutrition, contribution, and wellness. We are also proud to say we have watched girls grow up in the program and are lucky to have many of them become mentors in our mentorship program.

Tell me about what you’re working on now.

Our goal at present is expansion. We offer training and license for those who would like to bring the program to their communities.

What has been your favorite moment in your career so far?

Without question, it is all the twinkle-light moments we get each night with the girls. It’s like when we see their confidence grow after knocking out 10 amazing push-ups and they feel strong , or when they learn the importance of processing their emotions or realizing they are not alone and other people are struggling with issues just like them. It’s the growth we see on a daily basis.

What measure do you use to determine success?

The feedback from the girls, their parents, and our community. We know we are making an impact and we are truly grateful.

What piece of advice has impacted you the most?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     There is one that comes to mind from Brene Brown and that is “We can choose courage or we can have comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”  Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s scary and overwhelming but without challenge, there is no change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lead with passion and trust you are capable.
Lynne Kimmich

More About Kelsey

Kelsey Vickers is co-owner of the award-winning girls wellness program, Fit+Fierce. Their mission is to empower and educate girls to become strong in mind and body. Kelsey aims to live a life of purpose, sprinkled with adventure whenever possible. Located in Alberta, Canada, Kelsey Vickers is a KNOW Elite Member. Click the links below to follow Kelsey and support Fit + Fierce!

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