Written by Trina Plamondon | Founder & CEO, Night Market Edmonton & Wine Professional | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Today, I wrote a letter to myself… as a part of the #365daychallenge2021 for the upcoming new year. I read some wise advice once about setting goals… I will admit at first I thought it was a bit too touchy-feely for me; that is until I did it. 

The key advice was, to describe in as much detail as you could the goal you wanted to reach, what it looked like, smelt like, sounded like, and felt like.  Over describe it in as much detail as you possibly could… Somehow this specificity would focus you.  I guess because you knew exactly where you were heading.

As I typed the words to my future on the page it felt like I was writing the chapter of my life soon to come.  What was most interesting is what I saw.  I realized in a moment of self-awareness what was helpful along the way and what was not. 

It brought a lot of sadness to me when I had to face myself and realize I was choosing a lot of “others” over me. 

Other people, other activities, other thoughts, other feelings, other food, other time… the letter to myself has helped me focus on myself, I am learning to say  “no thank you” and now I know why.

Living an authentic life is deeply important, essential to your happiness, only you know what that truly means and no one else has to like it.  You are the boss of your life and the architect of your happiness.

Now, what is your #365daychallenge2021 commitment? Get the keys typing.  It is time to be your authentic self and continue working on your happiness project. 

Trina Plamondon is the founder, CEO & Head Mermaid of the first night market in Edmonton. She is passionate about turning spaces into great places for her community. As a young girl she always knew she would be a business woman. 

A strong advocate for public markets in Alberta, she successfully lobbied for amendments to the city bylaws, the re-introduction of the public market category, a reduction of municipal fees for public market vendors and the alignment of city regulations, creating equity between public and farmers markets. 

Trina graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Education, is a certified Project Management Professional and Sommelier. Night Market Edmonton began with a handful of vendors in a park downtown and since then has grown with hundreds of vendors, several events a year, is providing paid employment for the underemployed, and supporting new entrepreneurs, musicians and artists along the way. 

Connect with Trina Plamondon

● Email nightmarketedmonton@gmail.com 
● Website www.nightmarketedmonton.com 

● Facebook

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