Faces of KNOW: Lorraine Miano 



Faces of KNOW: Today’s spotlight is Lorraine Miano, 2018 featuree of KNOW Raleigh. Lorraine can be found in our 2018 Raleigh KNOW book on page 50. She is a successful certified Health Coach, hormone expert, and author.


Her book, The Magic of Menopause: A Holistic Guide to Get Your Happy Back! was recently listed as one of “The Most Pragmatic Self-Help Books for Women Available” by Mango.bz, and as one of the “10 Best Books on Menopause” in the London Evening Standard. What an amazing honor!


Aside from conquering the menopausal world with the best tips for balancing hormones, getting a good night sleep, and reducing hot flashes, she spends her time being called Nonni by her 5 grandchildren. To encourage diversity and inclusion, in 1996-1998 Lorraine created and sold multicultural dolls, named Peace Pals. Her grandchildren are lucky to have such a wonderful role model and grandmother.


Lorraine loves to travel and has visited numerous Caribbean islands with her husband. Fifteen to be exact! To fulfill her ongoing travel bug, this Fall she’s headed on a Canadian cruise along the St. Lawrence River. She told us one of her bucket list items is to visit as many health spas around the world as possible. Wonder if she’ll stumble into one while in Canada…


Upcoming happenings for Lorraine: She has a Natural Menopause Workshop at 6:45 on Thursday September 12th at Dogwood Yoga Studio in downtown Carrboro, North Carolina.
Learn more about the workshop and her newly launched program: 21 Days to a New You: Lose Weight and Gain Health on her website: www.theMagicOfMenopause.com.

To learn more about Lorraine Miano and her initiatives, follow her on Instagram @themagicofmenopause or check out her main content on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheMagicOfMenopause/.

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