The 100 Women to KNOW Across America Award, presented by JPMorgan Chase is a recognition that showcases the most influential, achieved, and honorable women in our society. Following a nomination and interview process, these women entrepreneurs, executives, creatives, and philanthropists have not only grown their dreams, but have created boundless opportunities for the next generation of female leaders. These women exemplify what it means to be high-achieving and ambitious on the next level and continue to pour into their communities as they do so.
Charo Toledo | Charo Entertainment LLC

Charo was born and raised in Puerto Rico and speak five languages. She worked as a linguist for the DEA where she took down international drug cartels. This love for languages led her to transition into a writing career in Hollywood. She has worked on groundbreaking reality shows, game shows, comedy-dramas, telenovelas, soaps, features, sitcoms and theater. She was head writer/ producer of Seasons 2 and 3 of the Emmy-nominated Hulu show, East Los High, and produced the International Emmy award winner, El Vato, on Netflix. She loves empowering women by teaching them to write their stories: our voices, our power.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Laugh more.
What is your favorite quote?
“I am life. I am strength. I am woman.”
Click HERE to view the complete list of 100 Women to KNOW in America presented by JP Morgan Chase.