The 100 Women to KNOW Across America Award, presented by JPMorgan Chase is a recognition that showcases the most influential, achieved, and honorable women in our society. Following a nomination and interview process, these women entrepreneurs, executives, creatives, and philanthropists have not only grown their dreams, but have created boundless opportunities for the next generation of female leaders. These women exemplify what it means to be high-achieving and ambitious on the next level and continue to pour into their communities as they do so.
Amanda Pietrocola | Momentum Technology

Amanda Pietrocola is the President & CEO of Momentum Technology, a SaaS company committed to protecting your privacy on all calls and texts. Their innovative mobile apps, PrivacyText and SpoofCard, have helped over 6 million people keep their personal information safe. Customers include employees who are working remotely, online daters, celebrities, and foster parents. She is also the founder of Momentum Impact, a philanthropic branch of her company dedicated to giving back. Since 2021, Momentum Impact has given over $250,000 to charities worldwide.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Do not be afraid of the unknown, because I can trust in God who knows it all. The unknown is only scary if you anticipate a bad outcome, but when you can put your trust in a good God, knowing His plans for us are always good, the unknown can be exciting and full of possibility!
What is your favorite quote?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”